A Pioneer Race
Track in the Corner of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts

Originally From Barttleboro Reformer
The Triangle Racing Assiociation was one group that ran Brattleboro
Speedway. Another seems to be the Pioneer Valley group
[see the
membership card below] Not only these three tracks, but also Claremont seemed to
have similar compeitors.

Courtesy of Crystal Snape

Courtesy of Lew Boyd
Cars line up at the West Brattleboro
track, circa 1952. In the photo are [from left]: Buddy Bardwell (13); Joe Ryan
(X); and DN3, Sonny Rabideau.
There are a lot of the cutdown cars that were popular in Massachusetts at the

Courtesy of Lew Boyd
Cars line up at the West Brattleboro
track, circa 1952. In the photo are [from left]: Ray Harris in Chet Cashman's 37
[probably]; Art Rousseau
(621); and Bardwell near the rear.
Car 71 has now
been identified as Morris Wisell.
I have little firm information on the West Brattleboro track. I don't know if it
had a name other than Brattleboro Speedway or what years it actually was in
operation. I can surmise that its location, in the corner of three states, was a
big plus. I can see that it was very crude by today's standards, with logs
lining the backstretch. I haven't been able to see if there were grandstands or
concessions, etc. One photo shows a small outbuilding of some sort.
In recent years, I have snooped around the area and took a few photos, hoping I
was even somewhat near the site. Bob Grover, an area native, has taken a more
certain series to go with mine. We still seek more information on this track
that was obviously an integral part of racing in the early 1950's. I believe it
shared drivers with Safford Park [The Cheshire County Fairgrounds in Keene, NH]
and with the Rhythm Inn Speedway near Millers Falls, MA. It is also possible
that cars that ran North Hinsdale, NH might have run here, as well.
Judging from the cutdowns in some of the shots, a few drivers from The Pines
race track may have been trying out tracks that featured more regular - sized
stock cars, Drivers who seem to have tried West Brat include Sonny Rabideau,
Buddy Bardwell, Art Rousseau, Joe Ryan, Rene Charland, Ray Harris, Ray Brown,
George Schnyer, Roy Forsythe, Flash Gordon, Dick Stone, and someone named Kison.

Racers Bored Site
Another look at a
Note the log barriers, as
well as some fence. Identifiable cars include:
Roy Forsyth 80 [2nd row
inside]; and Dave Todd [2nd to last].

Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Lionel "Blackie" Arel,
Fred Snape's 26.

Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Lionel "Blackie" Arel
stops Fred Snape's 26 under red flag. |

D L Collection
A driver named Kison
in his pit area. Note the
area in the background. Crystal Snape thinks this might be Ed
Kison. Apparently the 51 car was somewhat associated with the
Snapes, out of Northhampton, MA.

Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Morfe Kison car - these two shots taken
at Snapes in Northampton.
Cecil Bosworth with the crew of the
22. This is an area car in the same time period as Brattleboro.

Courtesy of Walt Ryan
Rene Charland, in the
winning Leo Matte #107

D L Collection
Dick Stone,
Montague, MA |

Courtesy of Barber Collection
George Barber's car
overheating on the track. |

Courtesy of Walt Ryan
Joe Ryan's X and
the Suffield Auto 5
of Buddy Krebs.


D L Collection
Flash Gordon, who
ran at West Brat. |

Courtesy of Walt Ryan
Pit work with Joe Ryan's

Courtesy of Walt Ryan
Joe Ryan's X action
at Brattleboro, withn
Rene Charland 107. |

George Barber Collection
Possible action at
Brattleboro. Nice,
dust - free surface ! Bob Grover and his dad, Bud, look on. |
Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Cecil Bosworth, with
Fred Snape's flathead 26. he may have run this at Brattleboro -
or with the car shown below [at Hinsdale].

Courtesy of aimhmga
Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Fred Snape's
25 car. It might have
run at Brattleboro, although I doubt it. |
Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Buddy Bardwell [far
right], chases the Fred Snape flathead 26
- likely with Arel driving. |
Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Lionel Arel flashes by the bleachers in
the Snape 26. |
Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Joe Ryan leads a car whose number I can't
make out. |

Courtesy of aimhmga
Vernon Taylor was a driver at the Hinsdale track - just mere miles
from Bratt. |

Courtesy of aimhmga
George Yuconis was a driver at the Hinsdale track - just mere miles
from Bratt. He also ran at Rhythm Inn.
Courtesy of aimhmga
Cecil Bosworth was a driver at the Hinsdale track - just mere miles
from Bratt.
Courtesy of aimhmga
Willie Stone was a driver at the Hinsdale track - just mere miles
from Bratt. |
Courtesy of aimhmga
Willie Stone's 3 - off the track at Hindale. Dick Stone, above is
C3. Were they related ? |
Harold Lucier and Bob Bergeron
were drivers at the Hinsdale track - just mere miles from Bratt. |

Courtesy of Racers
George at Rhythm Inn. |
aimhamga web
Dick Carey was a driver at the
Hinsdale track - just mere miles from Bratt. |
aimhamga web
Art Lewis was a driver at the
Hinsdale track - just mere miles from Bratt.
Supposely Art Lewis' car at Rhythm Inn.
Courtesy of Crystal Snape
The DN3 of Dan and Norm Cazchini of
Northhampton, MA was another Lionel Arel car that ran at Brattleboro. |
Courtesy of Walt Ryan
Roy Pappy Forsyth definitely ran at
Brattleboro Speedway. Note Sonny Rabideau in the background who,
from Brattleboro was another obvious competitor. |

Ladabouche Collection Future
national champion Rene Charland,
Holyoke, MA
drove Leo Matte's 107 to his first feature win in earlier years
here. |
Courtesy of Ken Robertson
Sonny Rabideau was likely still running
the family car 7 at this time. He would also drive for the DN3 team. |
Courtesy of MVRCA
Future national champion Ernie Gahan
ran Brattleboro a few times.

Ed Cormie Greenfield, MA
Rhythm Inn Track Champ |

Photo via Bob Spencer
"Racer Bill" Fredericks
Courtesy of Ernie Bodreau
Early NH driver Shorty
Collins drove at Bratt. |
FNE Vintage Mod Site
Ray "Zero" Brown
Courtesy of Racers Bored Site
Ed Cormie and crew enjoy a win at Rhythm Inn. He would have
likely run at Brattleboro.

Courtesy of Walt Renner
Cook and crew enjoy a win at Rhythm Inn. He would have likely run at
Brattleboro. |

Courtesy of Crystal Snape
Lionel "Blackie" Arel
runs the outside in Fred Snape's 26. Also seen is Joe Ryan's X.

Bob Grover Photo
Turns one and two at the site of the track.
That is the building supply on US Rte 9.

Bob Grover Photo
Headed into turn one at the
site of the track. |

Bob Grover Photo
Turns one and two at the
site of the track.

Bob Grover Photo
Backstretch. |

Bob Grover Photo
In turn three. |

Bob Grover Photo
From turn three into
four. |

Bob Grover Photo
Mid turns three
and four. |

Bob Grover Photo
from turn four.

Bob Grover Photo
The grandstand area. |

Bob Grover Photo
The pond that is now
in the infield. |

Bob Grover Photo
The infield pond was
created after the track
was closed. |

From Dan Ody 8mm DVD
Rene Charland [center, right of man with
hat] may be receiving the first feature trophy of his
illustrious career at the Brattleboro Fairgrounds. [RIght] Charland and Matte
head for Victory Lane.

From Dan Ody 8mm on You Tube
Action at West Brattleboro. Car 070
[left] and the J2 [maybe Red Foote] on right.

From Dan Ody 8mm on You Tube
Action at West Brattleboro. Joe Ryan,
in the X follows something [I wouldn't
dignify it by calling it a stock car]. Could be Charland in the 107 at left.
All of These From Dan Ody's 8MM Old Speedways DVD's

Action at Brattleboro Speedway.
Buddy Bardwell catches car 61
and another car.

Roy "Pappy"Forsyth
in his pre-Barber 46 days.
He won a ton of races
with this #80. |

Action at Brattleboro Speedway.
Joe Ryan chases the
bullhorned #13 of
Buddy Bardwell.


Action at Brattleboro Speedway.
Joe Ryan is X. Rene
Charland, who won that
race, is likely the car
at far left.
Brattleboro Speedway action, with a car 69 and another whose number I
can't decipher. |

A cutdown numbered
92. Could it be Ted
Brown? |

West Brattleboro.
The Matte 107 of
Rene Charland. |

Charland laps a slow
white coupe on the
inside. |

A West Brattleboro
field stopped on Turn 4
Charland is at far left.
Joe Ryan is the X.
A yellow & black car works the
track by itself. |
Brattleboro Speedway action as Joe Ryan X goes under car 97. |
Brattleboro Speedway: Bardwell [white car] prepares to follow Joe
Ryan's X through traffic. |

The cutdown-style 92
sits in the pits after
the race.

An unidentified car
sits in the pits after
the races. It looks
like somebody's family
is nearby. |

A man jacks up one
of the cars after the
races. |

A man with a cigar looks
down the track towards
Victory Lane. |
Pit work at West Brattleboro
on Joe Ryan's X. |

Both Photos From the HAMB Chat Site - Probably Snape
Family Photos
Buddy Bardwell and Lionel Arel with Fred
Snape's flathead 26 chase another car
the backstretch of the Brattleboro Speedway.

From an
Unidentified Woman in Brattleboro

Google Earth Satellite Photo
Although aerial photos show a almost
totally - clear oval not far away, this is the site of the Brattleboro Speedway.
The track, seen in the middle, went around that pond. If you look hard, the
northern end of that clearing has
a rounded edge to it. The home center seems to occupy the bleacher area.

Historic Aerials.Com
This is an early 1950's aerial view of the
Brattleboro Speedway site. It might have been still in use.

USGS Terraserver Photo
This is a 1990's aerial view of an
apparent horse track located very near the former speedwaay location.
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