Tracks From the Finger Lakes Area of New York

The Finger Lakes area
encompassed Seneca Falls, Waterloo, Penn Yan, Ovid, Ithaca, Bath, Hornell, and other early track
locations. Naples. NY
is just off the map to the southwest under
Canadaigua Lake. Oleaan is just out of sight.This
is clearly not my region of expertise, but teams from here did affect tracks
my area. Besides, it was a significant hotbed of stock car racing. Some tracks
have plenty of coverage on other sites, like the Midstate Antique
Club, so I
may not deal with them here. I am trying to give some of my readers a chance to
sample venues they would otherwise have not been exposed to.
Click on the speedway name to go to that section.
Seneca Falls, NY

Courtesy of David Delange
A car serves as probably one of the
few publicity mechanisms available to the track.

Courtesy of David Delange
Somebody's 1940 Ford bears one
of those
1950's wire - on bumper signs for the track.

Courtesy of David Delange
Preparing the winning car for
the big race.
This may be A young Ken Meahl, from Lockport, NY. |

Courtesy of David Delange
Lining the field up on the
front stretch. |

Courtesy of David Delange
This photo, taken over the
starter's flag stand,
shows the field getting the green.

Courtesy of David Delange
A curious crowd mills around
the winning
roadster entry. One other shot showed a young
man staring at the dust - covered winner like
he had seen some sort of alien. |

Courtesy of David Delange
The curious spectator doesn't
seem to dare get near
the daring young winner, who has the word "Lockport"
on his back. It is likely a young Ken Meahl. |

Courtesy of Half Fast Video
This is likely the site of the old
Seneca Falls Speedway, as seen in the 1990's.
Courtesy of Jay Mooney
Roaring roadsters !

Courtesy of Dan Ody
Dust proof ? My Foot !
Ovid, NY

South Seneca Historical Society

Left - Howard Boyce Collection
Right - Bob Miller Photo
These two photos show how the South Seneca Speedway was built on the Boyce
family farm.

Courtesy of Howard Boyce Collection
Turn One crowd waits patiently for more racing.
H. Boyce Collection
Action in Turn 4 |
Courtesy of Timeline Photos
The track crew
struggles to control the dust. In the Sunday afternoon, sun, they
never did. |
H. Boyce Collection
Looking across infield to the
bleachers. |
H. Boyce Collection
Famous modified driver Ron
Narducci [5N on the track] got his start here. |
H. Boyce Collection
Turn 4 view towards the
farm. |
H. Boyce Collection
unknown winner. at right is Howard Boyce; at left is Doc
Snediker, well - known in area racing circles.
B. Schroth Collection
Billy Schroth [lft] and team
mate Hudson Smith. |
B. Schroth Collection
Billy Schroth lined up on the
frontstretch. That's his little sister in the foreground.
B. Schroth Collection
Cars lining up. |
B. Schroth Collection
Cars ready for feature. |
B. Schroth Collection
More cars ready for feature. |
B. Schroth Collection
Field forms up in turn 2 for
feature start. |
Timeline Photos
This driver is named
Williamson. Could be Speedy Williamson. |
H. Boyce Collection
The feature rolls off. 5N
Narducci is in the back of the pack. |
B. Schroth Collection
Don Beech with the 129. |
Timeline Photos
Bucky Dew won this - his only
heat win. Then he was told he was a professional and could not race
there any more.
B. Schroth Collection
Future USAC sprinter star
Billy Schroth on the track in car 34. |
Timeline Photos
Teddy Quillen |
Timeline Photos
Cecil Keister, Horseheads, NY |
Timeline Photos
Cecil Keister, Horseheads, NY |
B. Schroth Collection
Billy Schroth would go on to be
USAC's sprint car champ in the next decade.
B. Schroth Collection
Billy Schroth's first South
Seneca win. |
Timeline Photos
Gene Baldwin, whose son was a
star at the track, in the pits. In the background is the Graber
-owned 129 of Don Beecher. |
Timeline Photos
Glen Reiners, So. Seneca
victory. |
H. Boyce Collection
Gordy Boyce, "Officials' race"
winner. |
H. Boyce Collection
Gordy Boyce's car at the
farm, as yet unlettered, |
Timeline Photos
Glen Reiners, with Howard
Boyce's homemade checkered flag.

H. Boyce Collection
Gordy Boyce's car at the
farm, with tow bar attached. Hell, they could have driven to the
track. |
H. Boyce Collection
Gordy Boyce, Charles Boyce,
Jerry Brewer, and Howard Boyce - lined up with their cars.
H. Boyce Collection
One of Howard Boyce's cars
at the farm. |
H. Boyce Collection
Howard Boyce's car at the
track, with other entries. |
H. Boyce Collection
Howard poses with his's
car at the track. |
H. Boyce Collection
Howard Boyce's car lining up
for the "officials' race". |
Timeline Photos
Hudson Smith, here as track flagger, sometimes drove as well.
Timeline Photos
Hungry Hank Clark with the former Dutch Hoag Penn Yan Express |
Timeline Photos
More Hank Clark |
Timeline Photos
Jim Joslyn's car at home - still fine. |
Timeline Photos
Jim Joslyn, at speed on South Seneca. The 13 is John Wilson. |
Timeline Photos
Jim Joslyn, in mid rollover. Apparently not his 52.
Timeline Photos
Jim Joslyn, near the end of the rollovers. |
Timeline Photos
Jim Joslyn, at rest after the rollovers. |
Timeline Photos
Jim Joslyn, out and looking at the damage. |
Timeline Photos
Lester Buck with Tony Viti's 99.
Timeline Photos
Lucky Cornish, Ithaca, NY
Timeline Photos
Lucky wins one. |
Timeline Photos
Popeye Vincent takes one in a pretty advanced - looking car. |
Timeline Photos
Rolf Holtcamp Car looks like a 5 Mile Point car. |
Timeline Photos
Rollie Velte |
H. Boyce Collection
South Seneca turn 1.
B. Schroth Collection
Billy Schroth's 1953 membership card. |
H. Boyce Collection
South Seneca pit
area, just off the nearby local road. |
Bob Miller Photo
South Seneca
vestiges: a surviving fence post. |
Bob Miller Photo
South Seneca
vestiges: bleacher foundations. |

Bob Miller Photo
South Seneca vestiges: Embankment protecting
spectator area.

Hiastoric Aerials Photo
South Seneca vestiges: 1969
aerial view.
Naples NY

Courtesy of Bob Miller

Courtesy of Dean Wright
Naples Speedway is synonymous with this fiery
crash because photos of that crash are ab out all we have.
Bob Miller Collection
This race begins
harmlessly. They sure like sedans at that track. |

Bob Miller Collection
Car 12A is still somewhat untouched- but not for long. |
Bob Miller Collection
The wreck has already
happened, seconds ago. Car 12A is engulfed. |
Bob Miller Collection
Down the line, there
are numerous other fires. Oh, if only"for fuel cells. The men at
right are either tending to a driver or trying to keep the fire
off the infield.
Bob Miller Collection
There are two
unburned cars in evidence - No 2 and the crunched one by the
rail. Great protective barriers ! |
Bob Miller Collection
This shaken driver
needs a smoke as his car burns up with the others. |
Bob Miller Collection
It appears they have
either extinguished the fire or let it burn out here.
Bob Miller Collection
A man gingerly tries
to hitch one of the cars to a winch cable. |
Bob Miller Collection
Crowds on both sides
watch as an ancient wrecker hooks onto one of the wrecks. |
Bob Miller Collection
The Bill Rodges 192
is prepped for removal. |
Starin Family Collection
A pass to Naples. |
I'm Guessing BobMiller
Apologies if it Isn't
turn in
the woods.

Lew Boyd Collection
The late Jim Rigney,
posing with Dad's car, at Naples. |
I'm Guessing BobMiller
Apologies if it Isn't
Poles from
their wondeful protective "barriers".
I'm Guessing BobMiller
Apologies if it Isn't
More poles
from their
wonderful protective "barriers". |
Peter Hurtubise Collection
Action shot |

Source Unknown
The article on that fire. Area flagger,
Whitey Gorusch is mentioned. Maybe that inspired him to get out of those cars.

Historic Aerials.Com Photo
An aerial shot of the location from 1970.

Half Fast Video
Waterloo, NY

Courtesy of Midstate Club

Courtesy of Midstate Club
Bob Cain and "Flying Bathtub" typify what made Maple Grove tick in the
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Chuck Stillwell |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Arnie Spore |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Bill Roese, Central Bridge, NY
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Bob Chick enters the grounds. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Bob Chick |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Dick Benedict |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Dick Emerson enters the grounds
with one of his beautiful cars. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Dick Emerson |
Courtesy of Mark Hobbs
Dutch Hoag |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Johnny "Fireball" Roberts enters
the grounds |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Larry Nye with a sedan. |
Gater Photot Courtesy of Midstate Club
Larry Nye leaves the grounds.

Courtesy of Midstate Club
The great Cliff Kotary, Rome, NY
Got enough motor there, Cliff ?
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Cliff in Victory Lane with the
winning driver.
Anyone know who ? |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Gail McArdell, supposedly winning
1st Maple Grove feature. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Gail McArdell enters
the grounds with the Palmiteer 100. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Gail McArdell with the Palmiteer
100. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Gail McArdell wins in as car 00. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Gary Trauman's car 88. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Gordy Wood |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Jerry Townley with the Pop Wilcox
32. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Jim Sperry enters
the grounds. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
John McArdell enters
the grounds with the Tantalo "Leanin' 11". |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
John McArdell [11]and Lloyd Holt in
Courtesy of Midstate Club
JohnMcArdell wins one. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Larry Nye |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Screamin' Sammy Reakes |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Sammy Reakes enters
the grounds with the familiar 111. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Sammy Reakes with the 451, a
legendary number in those parts.
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Wally Cox |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Willy Beardsley |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
Maybe Cliff Kotary's car owner or
Courtesy of Midstate Club
1966 Waterloo points. |
Courtesy of Midstate Club
The grader crew.
Courtesy of Timeline Photos
Art Lynch, Ray Pariah, and Gerald
Brewer with a Waterloo entry.

Courtesy of Timeline Photos
Gordy Boyce wins one.
Courtesy of Number Nine Video
Car 3R, having just wrecked.
Courtesy of Number Nine Video
Car 2 at speed. |
Courtesy of Number Nine Video
Car 4 towing in. |
Courtesy of Number Nine Video
Lining one up. |
Courtesy of Number Nine Video
Car 16 under yellow. |
Courtesy of Number Nine Video
Rollie Velte wins one. |
Courtesy of Number Nine Video
Wee Willie Allen. |
Courtesy of Timeline Photos
Red Beardsley |
Courtesy of Timeline Photos
Rollie Velte |
Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
Bob Cain and Johnny Roberts [513]
have at it. |
Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
Jeff King [16], Sam Crista, and
Les Buck [99]. |
Half Fast Video
Hornell Raceway
Hornell, NY

This shot of Eddy Anchor is the most seen
photo connected with Hornell Raceway.
Courtesy of Gorusch Collection
Whitey Gorusch was OK at Hornell but
got hit at Olean.
Courtesy of Gorsuch Collection
Floyd Green and Whitey Gorusch at
Hornell. |
Courtesy of Dee Wallace
Bill Layfield and Whitey Gorusch
at Hornell. |
Courtesy of Dan Hall
Don Wood at Hornell. |
Courtesy of Dee Wallace
Basil Schutt and Whitey Gorusch at
Hornell. |
Courtesy of Dee Wallace
Basil Schutt at Hornell. |
Courtesy of Dan Hall
Red Towner at Hornell. |
Courtesy of Star Gazette
Bud Perkins wins. |
Courtesy of Star Gazette
Unknown winner in good - looking
car. |
Courtesy of Star Gazette
Unknown winner in a car similar to
a New England cutdown.
Courtesy of Star Gazette
Trophy presentation. |
Courtesy of Star Gazette
Famed Jackie Soper doubtless, ran
Hornell at least some. |

Half Fast Video
Vestiges of Hornell Raceway

Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
flags off a support class race.
Olean Raceway
Olean, NY

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
If only it was still $2 to get into the pits !

Courtesy of Vincent Marra Sr.
Early Olean lienup. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Big ad for Olean. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Al Skiver and Al, Jr. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Bill Brock and flagger Whitey

Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
Billy Schroth in a wreck [before
he moved to USAC].

Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
More Schroth wreck. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Bob Bigley with an older support
class car.
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Bruce Scalfaro with Whitey. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Bud Johnson with a win in a later
car. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Bud Johnson with a win in an
earlier car. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Bud Phearsdorf's Olean - style
modified. Looks like a New England cutdown.
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Chet Smith and Whitey. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
More Chet Smith. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Not such good luck for Chet here. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Dan Adams with a win. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Dick Ferraro.
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Dick Lute in Victory Lane. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Dick Thomas in an older modified
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Dutch Strang in Victory Lane. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Ed Stayer in Victory Lane. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Frank McClure.
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
A Frank Wilmot collage. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Harold Dake celebrates a win. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Harry Gayton in Victory Lane. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Irv Hall. |
Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Jim Given and crewman.

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Jim Hakes. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Jim Hakes with a later car. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Local boy Joe Tomes of Olean. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Joe Tomes and Whitey Gorusch. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
A track official keeps his eye on
turn 1 action. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
A Phil Mott collage.

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Rob Given. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Rob Given, id'd here as the 1969
Olean Hooligan Champion. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Ron Brosius and brother. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Tink Mealy |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Tiny Tim successfully tiptoed thru
the tulips.

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Tom Irvin. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Wally Dietz. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
An early flip. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Frontstretch Hooligans tangle. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Turn four action. |
Courtesy of Bill Schroth Collection
Fran Pezzimiti chases Billy
Schroth. |

Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
Fred Brink. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Another early pit pass. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Welcome race fans. |

Courtesy of Bill Schroth Collection
Gordy Blanchard [3B] leads Gill
Fladd as Doc Hoctor [118] falters. |

Courtesy of Olean Computers.Com
Ray Jordan's late models.

Courtesy of Olean
Postcard touting big race in 1959.

Found on Dirt Track Digest - Probably by Bob
Vestiges of the Olean Raceway.
Recent aerials find it nearly impossible to see.
Other Early Speedways in the Area
Courtesy of Jay Mooney
1965 Ad.

Jimmie's Old Time Racing
Ithaca - Dryden vestiges |
Courtesy of Half Fast Videos
Ithaca Speedway 1954
Never actually ran |

Courtesy of Half Fast Videos
Ithaca Speedway 1935
Not sure what that is.
Historic Aerials.Com
This track was on the Bath Rd.
outside of Penn Yan. |
Courtesy of Half Fast Videos
This is said to be vestiges of a
track in West
Seneca. |
Courtesy of Half Fast Videos
This is supposedly Frank Wagner
winning at a Speedway in West Seneca. |
Historic Aerials.Com
West Seneca Speedway 1958. Still
running then ? |

Star Gazette
Drivers from Airport Speedway, Big Flats, NY. |

Star Gazette
Poster from Airport Speedway, Big Flats, NY. |

Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
Airport Speedway, Big Flats, NY

Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
Airport Speedway, vestiges. |

Historic Aerials.Com
Southport or Gklider City Speedway, Southport, NY |

Star Gazette
G. Buchanon, at Southport |
Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
Bath Speedway, Bath, NY |
Courtesy of
Airport Speedway, Big Flats, NY |
Courtesy of Black Jack Racing
Supposedly Ithaca - Dryden |