Word kind of leaked out recently that there were, in fact TWO Ray Browns who
starred in Northeastern stock car racing in the 1950's. Most of us who study
this stuff have assumed that Ray "Zero" Brown was the guy seen in all of our
photos. I went so far as to do a blog in which I featured certain photos that
[had I looked more closely] didn't look a thing like Zero.
It was recently pointed out on Facebook
that there was Zero, who came from the area around New York that includes
Poughkeepsie and surrounding area; but, perhaps sometimes sharing the same track
was another Ray Brown, who came from Massachusetts. Zero was more apt to race
places like Poughkeepsie, Empire, Rhinebeck, and the like while New England Ray
seemed to frequent the tracks of the Triangle Racing Association - Rhythm Inn
[MA], Brattleboro [VT], Cheshire [NH], and Claremont [NH].
As a matter of fact, one historian
maintains that the nickname "Zero" was created to differentiate that Ray Brown
from the other. Zero was definitely the more prominent racer and he went on to
race midgets and the like. I don't know much about the other Ray. Hopefully,
this will set the record straight.
White Plains, NY

Ginny Ross Collection via Dick Hansen and Chas
I always thought the Zero moniker came from
this helmet he often wore.

Rich Duryea Collection via
Chas Hertica
The 356 car at Langhorne
in 1958. |
Shany Lorenzet Photo
via Chas Hertica
An actual 0 car. |
Ginny Ross Collection via Dick Hansen
and Chas Hertica
Ray avoids
a wrecked
Sharkey Gaudiosi sedan
probably at Empire. |
via Doug Post
An early 1949 shot of a a young Ray
Brown at indoor races at NYC's Kingsbridge
Armory. |
Gerhold Wannamaker Photo
Ed Stevens Collection via Chas Hertica and Paul Irving.
The MIddletown Daubert Bros. 46 title
car. |
Ginny RFoss Collection
via Dick Hansen and Chas Hertica
The familiar 0 car in a
pickle at Empire. The 19 is Bob Tator and Al Keller
in the Taylor 89.

via Chas Hertica
The familiar 0 car and
the iconic 0 helmet.
Rich Duryea Collection via
Chas Hertica
The Middletown car, the Daubert 46.
They won
a title there. |
Rhinebeck Gazdette
via Chas Hertica
A win for Zero at the
old Rhinebeck track. |
Jack Hedstrom Collection
via Chas Hertica
Ray spent a lot of time in this 356,
at the Valley, Rhinebeck, Empire, and more. |

Ginny Ross Collection via Dick Hansen and Chas Hertica
Ray avoids a wrecked
Sharkey Gaudiosi sedan
probably at Empire. |
Ginny Ross Collection via Dick Hansen
and Chas Hertica
Ray poses with the legendary Gordon
Ross car. |
Leroy Silvius Photo
Courtesy of Jim Silvius
via Chas Hertica
The Daubert car in
early color.
via Doug Post
The Ray Brown 356 in a mixup at
Middletown or Empire. |
via Vintage Mod Site
Ray spent as much time
in open wheel cars as he
did in stockers. |
via Cavalcade of Auto Racing
Ray Brown in a NEMA midget. |
via Cavalcade of Auto Racing
Ray Brown wins with a NEMA midget. |
Bob McDowell Photo
via Phil Miller
Ray Brown with the
Gill Dollar Sign. |
Bob McDowell Photo
via Phil Miller
Ray Brown with the
356 coupe. |
Photo via Phil Miller
Ray Brown somewhere in Victory Lane. |

John Reilly Photo
via EdDuncan
Ray Brown with an
unusually conservative
Tex Enright at Old

Shany Lorenzet Photo
via Dave Dykes
Ray Brown with that
356 at Plainville. He
sure got around. |

Ralph Corwin Collection
via Chas Hertica
Gill Dollar Sign
sedan - a Middletown
car. |
Springfield. MA

Northeast Vintage Mod Site
had assumed all the Ray Brown photos
were one guy. Now that I look, this guy doesn't look anything
like Zero, and he clearly had his own accomplishments.

NE Vintage Mod Site
Ray Brown ran this B1
car at places like Rhythm Inn Speedway, Brattleboro Speedway, Safford
Park, and more. |

Photo via Chip Cormie
Ray Brown,
at speed,
at Rhythm Inn. |

Source Unknown
I always assumed this was a Leo Matte
car, but now someone says it was Mike McGuire's.

Bob McDowell Photo
via Phil Miller
Ray Brown with the
B1 at Stateline. |

Shany Lorenzet Photo
via Dave Dykes
That same 207 team,
at Lonsdale with a
Tattersall GA Mopar. |
Photo via Chip Cormie
Ray Brown,
at Rhythm Inn. |
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