AKA The Twin State Jalopy Club Track

Courtesy of Sandra Godwin Fontana
You see, Henrietta ? He has lots of
nice, safe bars in there.
Sandra Fontana, a daughter of
New Hampshire 1950's driver "Peanie" Goodwin, was kind enough to track down his
personal photos from that unnamed track, on what is now the landfill, near West
Leb. I will eventually place all of Sandra's scans on this page, totally
dependant on available time. My thanks to any and all members of the Goodwin
family who may have helped with this. These are primary [non - professional]
shots of a track that almost became completely forgotten.
From the scarce sources on the track, it seemed to have had the Twin State
Jalopy Club, and the track itself was called the Twin State Jalopy Track. Thus
I have only three or four paragraphs from the nearby White RIver
Junction Landmark paper to use. I am certain it had more coverage, but I haven't
been able to access any other papers so far.
According to the few Landmark paragraphs, feature winners in 1950 included Pop
Goodwin, "Bullet" Bullard, Stub Piper [with the first George Barber car 46],
Walter Smith, Morgy Boivin, and Harold Mossey. Famed NH driver Harold Hanaford
insists he won there, as well. It is said that Rutland, V T driver Al Romano
drove here first before his family built Pico Raceway. He, like Hanaford, was
greeted with resentment by the locals. RIchford, VT's noted Harold "Cannonball"
Baker ended up on his roof trying to race there.

Courtesy of Scott Haskell
Maurice Congdon [12] and Ray Sanborn
[outside 3rd
row] are two entrants in this race lineup.

All Photos Courtesy
of Sandra Fontana unless
otherwise stated
Well - known 1950's NH
driver Maurice Condon. |

Maurice Condon,
at speed on the
loose, sandy - looking
West Leb track. |

Maurice Condon,
lining up on track. |

Maurice Condon,
again. |

Two cops and another
man watching work in the
West Leb pits.

Two cops and another
man wearing one of
those awful '50's gas station hats talk to
one of the drivers.

Work goes on
with the car
#7-11. Note the
Hell's Angels
reference. |

One of the cars bearing
an almost - identical
#15. This one went
off the track [which
apparently wasn't too
hard to do]. |

Two men figure out how
to extricate #15,
"the sedan". |

Pushing a car in the
pits near the other
car #15. |

Another view of
pushing car #93. The 358, sporting an ad for the Riverside Grill, waits
to go by.

Car #34, with
the star on the
side. The driver
is obviously happy
to be photographed. |

A great shot of
Car 34 - one of
the more technically
- sound cars seen
at West Leb. |

A crumpled #1. |

Big 'ol #37 sedan
sits somewhere at
West Leb. |

My favorite shot
of the lot: a good
- looking car 60,
at speed. |

Car 358, going off
the track. |

Car 13 and another
entry had "a awful accident", as Jim
Barton would have said. |

Another awful
accident, this one
involving car 6 and 1/8.
Another guy using his
hat size for a numeral ?

Nice view of car 5
coming out of what must
be turn 4. |

Car 15 lined up for a race.
In the old days, they
would do the lineups
right on the track and
make the crowd wait. |

Nice view of car 5
coming out of what must
be turn 4. This time, he
has company ! |

George Hodgdon Photo
Courtesy of Scott Haskell
George Hodgdon, likely
raced at West Leb.
The car certainly did - then
driven by Harold Hanaford. |

George Hodgdon Photo
Courtesy of Scott Haskell
Called "Hot Rod" in those days,
Harold Hanaford
raced at West Leb. and
beat the Goodwins. They didn't like that. |

Courtesy of The Davis Family
Pop Goodwin, seen here as champion at Claremont
Speedway. |

Courtesy of S. Fontana
Peanie Goodwin was not only a driver and member of the
owning family; but, he was a successful lumberjack and builder.

A feature start at
West Leb. |

Pit work at
West Leb. |

Car 13 and another
entry had "a awful accident". Does this
caption look familiar ?
Gould must have attended
the same day as whoever
took Fontana's shots.

There seemed to be
a lot of awful accidents.
I wonder how many got hurt
at West Leb. |

The driver of
this car is said
to be Billy Byers. |

Bringin' 'em in,
two at a time. |

The West Leb
pit area. Mostly
different cars than
the Fontana shots. |

Nice shot. It gives
you an idea of what spectators at West
Leb saw for a show. |

The driver of
this car is said
to be "Pop" Goodwin,
one of the track owners. |

Courtesy of Robt. Morrill
Ray Sanborn, a
driver who raced at
many NH tracks. |

Courtesy of Bill Baker
Northern Vermont star Harold
"Cannonball" Baker had a rough debut at West Leb.

White River Jct. Landmark
A May, 1950 result. |

River News & Twin State News
A June, 1950 result. |

White River Jct. Landmark
A June, 1950 result.

White River Jct. Landmark
An August 1950 result. |

White River Jct. Landmark
A September, 1950
result. |

White River Jct. Landmark
An October, 1950 result. |
Bradford United Opinion
Another 1951 article
about the success of Stub Piper with George Barber's 46.
Bradford United Opinion
A 1951 article about the
success of Stub Piper with George Barber's 46. |

Bradford United Opinion
A homemade sign displayed somewhere in the community.

Coming out of Four side
by side. Track looks loose and difficult to run on.

Two men by their car.
The shot is very blurry. |

Car F7 gets on the gas
out of Four. That seemed to be a prominent car there. |

Cars get on the gas. |

A pickup gets crossed
up and pays the price. |

Pop Goodwin leads.

Car 15 takes to the

Car is overturned, very
common occurrence. I think a lot of them got bogged down by thin
tires and loose rutty surface.

Men horse around by a
coupe 15. Usually 15 is seen as a sedan.

That same Car 15 in a
lineup. |

This car may had the
audacity to hit the poor, innocent ambulance.

Another car to ambulance
view. |

Car 18 gets in the
ditch, a very common predicament.

Car 202 in action. |

This driver named
"Bridgie" contemplates his predicament. |

Getting Bridgie's car
back on the wheels. |

Pop Goodwin, in a later
car, goes by another rollover. |

Pop Goodwin posing by
the coupe I believe he later drove at Claremont. |

Pop Goodwin's earlier
sedan in the track's inconvenient mud pool. |

Pop Goodwin going
through "the wall of fire", a common stunt at early tracks. |

Peanie Goodwin, whose career
was affected by a bout with polio later.

More of the Wall of FIre
stunt. |

Car F7 with wheel
problems. |

Cops looking a yet
another rollover. |

Off the track and
bogged down. |

This shot shows how
bad the loose racing surface was.

Peanie Goodwin [left]
possibly with Buster Hadlock.

A car that looks almost
street legal passes a car overheating from all that loose dirt in
the radiator.

Cars All and 702 wreck.
View 1. |

Cars All and 702 wreck.
View 2. |

A pack comes out of 4. |

Concession stand said to
be run by grandmother Goodwin.

Track surface looks more
groomed and firmer here. |

Football helmet wearing
driver looks to retrieve wheel. |

One of the better
overall views of the track. |

A group of men on the
track to roll another car back over. |

Said to be Peanie
Goodwin, his future wife, and another motorcycle guy.

Maurice Condon, about
the closest thing to a pro in those days, in that area. |

Rolling another one back
over. |

Rolling car F7 back
over. |

Rolling another one back
over. |

A view across the track,
over the PA car.

Rollover off the track. |

The track public address
system mounted on a car. This is not uncommon in this era. |

Pop Goodwin getting a
trophy. What was with all these motorcycle guys ?

A shaken up Pop Goodwin
[white scarf] being nervously looked over by his wife. |

Rolling another one back
over. Even the cops helped out. |

A view across an empy
infield. |

Two entries take each
other out. |

Spectators by some sort
of panel truck. It looks like a concession or food truck.

Spectators by some sort
of panel truck. It looks like a concession or food truck. |

A common fate at West
Leb. |

A two car wreck. |

A race lineup ready to
go. |

A view across to the
turns and pit area. |

The wreck of the Car
in honor of Myrtle. |

Stackin' 'em up. |

Pop Goodwin [left] and
Peanie Goodwin, sons of the track owner..

Courtesy of
Historic Aerials
I finally found an aerial view of the track, taken in
1956. By then it wasn't operating.
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