Owen Family Photo
Mrs. Ralph Bushey [lft] and Mrs. Gordy Owen ride
in the "hauler"
on the way to a race somewhere.

Owen Family Photo
Ready to roll again. |

Owen Family Photo
By the car in the infield
at Smitty's track, Colchester Raceway. |

Owen Family Photo
Ralph Bushey [rt] and Gordy Owen
with Mrs. O. on the roof. |

Owen Family Photo
Mrs. Ralph Bushey [lft]
and Mrs. Gordy Owen |

Owen Family Photo
Gordy Owen 31 on
an undetermined track. |

Owen Family Photo
In the pits somewhere.
The car is probably
the future Spud 19 of
Bob Bushey. |

Owen Family Photo
Getting a push -
probably a jump start. |

Owen Family Collection
This is thought to be Mrs.
Owens, off to the races.
The older lady could be
Gordy's mother. |

Owen Family Collection
Gordy and the owner of
his regular car, Ralph

Bushey Family Collection
via Jack Anderson
Gordy, at speed, with the
first Ralph Bushey car
at Dog River Speedway,
Northfield, VT. |

Owen Family Collection
The familiar 31, at Malletts Bay Raceway, apparently
having a private practice.
Check the stands. |

Owen Family Collection
The familiar 31, at some
Colchester track, apparently
having a private practice.
Gordy and wife confer with
an unidentified man.
 Owen Family Collection
Mrs. Owen checks out the
car in the same setting as
the previous 2 shots. |

Owen Family Collection
Gordy and Ralph
Bushey. |

Bushey Family Collection
via Jack Anderson
Gordy, Bob Pratt, and an
unidentified man. |

Evans Knapp Photo
Owen Family Collection
Gordy and the owner of
the car 909 pose on the
car after races somewhere
in Canada. |

Evans Knapp Photo
Owen Family Collection
Gordy and the owner of
the car 909 pose after a
race - probably at
Bouvrette or Noel
Speedway in Canada.

Studio Jean Photo
Owen Family Collection
A win at Noel Speedway in Quebec.
Ralph Bushey [white shirt and cigar], Bob Pratt [Ralph's left], Gordy
[Ralph's right], trophy queen, and Speedway President [White T Shirt] I've
seen other 1950's stars like PappyForsyth with that tee shirt.

Bushey Family Collection
Gordy and Bob
Bushey enjoy a post
race beer, with Mrs.
Gordy close by. |

Ladabouche Photo
Owens friend, Bob Pratt
stands with his super
speedway Pontiac that he
had Gordy try out at
Otter Creek. It was too heavy.

Owen Family Collection
Ralph Bushey pushing
the 31 with Gordy nearby. |

Owen Family Collection
buckling up.

Owen Family Collection
on the pole in a
heat race at what looks
like Smitty's Colchester
Raceway. That's Jackie
Peterson in the rear and the
7 of Buddy Barnes in the pits.

Owen Family Collection
A large post race crowd
around the 31.

Owen Family Collection
directs the tow
truck at an undetermined

Owen Family Collection
Gordy in a race lineup with
cars from Chittenden County and locals, but this at Veterans' Park a horse
track in Newport, VT.

Owen Family Collection
Gordy heads out onto
an undetermined track.
Could be Malletts Bay or Colchester

Bushey Family Collection
via Jack Anderson
testing out the
first Ralph Bushey
Car at Harvey Moody's
Green Mt track. This likely 1950.

Bushey Family Collection
via Jack Anderson
testing out the
first Ralph Bushey
Car at Harvey Moody's
Green Mt track.

Jack Peterson Collection
poses with friend and racing rival Jackie Peterson. |

H. Baker Family Collection via Bill Baker
poses for a shot as Harold "Cannonball" Baker, a rival driver is
one of the men checking out his car. |

Owen Family Collection
1954. |