McDowell Photo
via Ken Gypson
Maybe Doug's first car.
Could be the Mannie
Tompkins entry. |
Via Amy Garrison Dauski
Doug in action at Greenport Speedway with
that same
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski via Joe Grossetti
Doug drove this car at Greenport, Coxsackie,
Rhinebeck, Stateline, and other venues.
George Morgan Photo
via Donna K Mateer and Joe Grossetti
A win at Greenport or Coxsackie. |

McDowell Photo
via Ken Gypson
Doug and the 5 car
at Stateline. This car is likely why he ended his career with a car #5. |
Courtesy of Joe Grossetti
Victory Lane at Coxsackie. |

Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski via J. Grossetti
Doug inVic Lane at Coxsackie with the 5
car. |
via L.V. Classics
Doug wins one in the Clyde Smith VS car. |
McDowell Photo
via Phil Miller
The first time Doug drove a former Gordon
Ross car - the #99 Thompkins entry seen here at Rhinebeck.
McDowell Photo
via Chris Companion
Doug and Barney at
Rhinebeck with Jim Brush and driver George Welch. |
Courtesy of Chris Companion
Doug follows Welch in this
Stateline race start. |
Doug in Rhinebeck Vic Lane with the Thompkins
car. |

McDowell Photo
via Phil Miller
Wearing a helmet reminiscent of his
early car, DOug poses with the Barney Thompkins 99.
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Doug in Vic Lane
in what is obviously cold weather. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Doug and Barney with a young Uncle Art
Stuarts. |
Courtesy of Sam Barlow
an early Pine Bowl car.
[Quite blurry] |
George Morgan Photo
via Donna K Mateer and Joe Grossetti
A win at Coxsackie. |
Garrison Family Collection
A rare pavement trophy from Empire Raceway. |
Joe Connors Photo
Doug drove for Cliff Wright and the Zautner
brothers, as well. |
Source Unknown
Doug poses with the crossfire - powered
Martin Riiska Yellow X sedan . |
Via Arnie Ainsworth
An iconic posed shot of Doug and the sedan.
Courtesy of L. Valley Classics
Martin Riiska is seen gesturing
behind Doug in this shot. |
Walter Mateer Photo
The X at Langhorne. |

Courtesy of the Starin Family
Doug shown in the Langhorne program as the
rep from the Valley.
Courtesy of Joe Grossetti
Victory Lane at Coxsackie. |
From Dan Ody's 8MM
Old Speedways DVD's
Doug and the sedan are captured in this
8MM frame from the Valley.
Via Amy G. Dauski
Doug is in this wreck at the Valley with
several late model - bodied competitors. |
NESCOT Calendar
Another iconic posed shot of Doug and the
sedan. |
Via International Motorsport News
Self-explanatory. |
Uncle Art's Book Photo
Doug as 1963 valley champ. |
Source Unknown
finishes a qualifer at the 1961
Valley show at the fairgrounds in Rutland, VT. |
From Dan Ody's 8MM
Old Speedways DVD's
Doug and the sedan are captured in this
8MM at Victoria. |
Via Amy G. Dauski
Self - explanatory.
Courtesy of L. Valley Classics
Martin Riiska had a coupe Doug drove;
it may have been before the sedan. |
Ray Williams Photo
Martin Riiska's coupe in Vic Lane. |
Jack Hedstrom Photo
via Chas Hertica
Doug, in action at
Langhortne. |

Walter Mateer Photo
Via Amy G. Dauski
Doug, after the races with a beer, a ciggy,
and probably Amy.

Credits Shown
at Langhorne with the coupe. |
Via Amy G. Dauski
with Howie Westervelt in Vic Lane.

Via Arnie Ainsworth
Once primarily a pavement car, the famous
Gordon Ross 19 ended up with Doug on the Valley clay. |

Via Amy G. Dauski
A win with the Ross
car. |

Courtesy of Lew Boyd
Another Ross 19 win. |

McDowell Photo
via Chas Hertica
Doug apparently drove for Gordon Ross
in earlier years, too. This is at the
Pine Bowl.

Courtesy of A. Ainsworth
Doug , maybe at Langhorne.

Via Amy G. Dauski
A good view of the
powerplant in the Ross car. |

Via Norm Vadnais
Different motor,
same result. |

Via Norm Vadnais
Doug eventually bought the Ross
car and modified it to his own ideas. |

Via Argonrcn Images
The former Ross
car at one of the big season - ending races. |

Courtesy of Norm Vadnais
Another Garrison 19 win. |

Ross Collection
Via Dave Dykes
Pose with the modified car.
Via Argonrcn Images
The former Ross
car at one of the big season - ending races.

Via Arnie Ainsworth
Eventually the car was
repainted and dubbed with one of Doug's old numbers. |

Courtesy of A. Ainsworth
Same car, a variation in graphics |

Via Arnie Ainsworth
Closeup with the blue car. |

Via Amy G. Dauski
A win and a cake. |

Courtesy of Luke Bedell
Via L. Valley Classics
One homely car - but fast.

Via Amy G. Dauski
Leaving home.

Via Amy G. Dauski
Cover of the Valley

Via Amy G. Dauski
Garrison family in Vic
Via Amy G. Dauski
A win with the blue
car crew. |
Via L. valley CLassics
The former Ross
car in a lineup at the Valley behind Lew Boyd |
Via Amy G. Dauski
Racing Bill Wilson. |
Via Amy G. Dauski
Smiling out of his
car. |

Via Amy G. Dauski
With wife, Beverly.

Hertha Berberwyck Collection
Via Lew Boyd
Doug with his own 5. |
Via Amy G. Dauski
Doug with the Hellwig
car after his own 5. |
Via Amy G. Dauski
Doug with the Hellwig
car after his own 5. |