Many Rides With the Same Results !

The Early Years
The first ride that I am aware of for Doug was
the 117, the photo of which first appeared on a closely - guarded in a small
diner in Watervliet, NY. In his early years, Doug would also have a lot of
success with Barney Tompkins, owner of the black 99. Doug also drove a few other
cars at tracks like Rhinebeck, the early Lebanon Valley, Coxsackie, and many
others. He seemed to have a consistent ride at Coxsackie.

Probably a Garrison Family Photo
via Phil Miller
The first car I know of. Track
unknown. Maybe Greenport. |

UNK Newspaper Photo
The 117, avoiding a wreck
at Greenport Speedway in
Doug's town of Hudson. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
This shot of Greenport action makes me think
one of the cars must be Doug. |

Courtesy of Otto Graham
The Barney Tompkins car, winning at
Rhinebeck. | Photo
The Barney Tompkins car, winning at
Rhinebeck. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Doug and Barney win another one, interviewed
by a young Art Stuarts. Doug has his old 117 helmet but is driving
Barney's 99.
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Doug and Barney win another one, this time at
George T. Morgan Photo
Courtesy of Donna Kreeber Mateer
via Joe Grossetti
Doug's Tompkins 99 also ran well at Coxsackie. |
Courtesy of Chris Companion
Doug takes green at Stateline Speedway with
the Tompkins car. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
This shot
shows the Brush Radio 27 [George
Welch] and the 99 team traveled together. This is at Rhinebeck. |
George T. Morgan Photo
Courtesy of Donna Kreeber Mateer
via Joe Grossetti
Doug's Coxsackie car was usually the Stilwell
5, right from his hometown Ford dealer. |
George T. Morgan Photo
Courtesy of Donna Kreeber Mateer
via Joe Grossetti
Doug's Coxsackie car, the Stilwell 5. |
George T. Morgan Photo
Courtesy of Donna Kreeber Mateer
via Joe Grossetti
Another win with the Stilwell 5. |
George T. Morgan Photo
Courtesy of Donna Kreeber Mateer
via Joe Grossetti
More Stilwell 5. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Doug, young enough to be winning at
Coxsackie, Greenport, or maybe somewhere like Arlington.

George T. Morgan Photo
Courtesy of Donna Kreeber Mateer
via Joe Grossetti
Link Pettit helping change tires on Doug's Coxsackie car, the Stilwell 5. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Looks like he outlasted the weather, as well
as the competition here. The 99 is in the background.
Courtesy of Phil Miller
A rare to Stateline with the
Stilwell 5.
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Definitely from this same era. |
Courtesy of NESCOT
Either the same portrait, cropped
or another very similar shot. |

Courtesy of the
Starin Family
The Martin Riiska Years
The next big phase in DOug's career seems to be when he was chosen to drive the
powerful Yellow X, out of Winstead, CT. Martin Riiska had begun with a driver
who apparently wasn't accomplishing what his owner wanted. I have no idea how or
why Doug was chosen; but, Doug already had had a stellar career in just a few
years with Tomkins, Stilwell, and the 117 team. This stint would get him
irrevocably connected with Lebanon Valley Speedway. I recall this car at the
Vermont State Fair in 1961, as part of a Lebanon Valley show there.
Ladabouche Collection
One of the earliest Riiska rides for
Doug Garrison. |
Ladabouche Collection
via Arnie Ainsworth
Same Riiska ride in color. |
Ladabouche Collection
This shows the characteristic Riiska
graphics. Doug is definitely an older man by now - and more stocky. |
Williams Photo
Ladabouche Collection
I don't know if this coupe is earlier than the sedan, later, - or
concurrent with it.
International Motorsports News
One of numerous Valley wins in the
sedan for Doug Garrison. |
Lebanon Valley Classics
One of the earliest Riiska coupes. |
From dan Ody's 8MM
Old Speedways DVD
Mixed in with the Fonda cars
at Victoria Speedway. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
The flathead Riiska sedan mixed up with three
Valley overhead V8 late model bodies. |
Courtesy of Joe Grossetti
1963 newspaper photo.
Courtesy of NECOT
NECOT founding member Doug, featured on their
calendar from 2014. |
Lebanon Valley Classics
Congratulated by Howie Westervelt, another
early Valley legend. |
From Dan Ody's 8 MM
Old Speedways DVD
Another 8 MM frame of the sedan - this
time at Valley. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
via Lebanon Valley Classics
Looks like he borrowed a car for a Valley win
about the same time as the X. It's the Clyde
Smith VS.
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Newspaper photo. One of those guys must be
Martin Riiska. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Newspaper photo, with starter Ted Ryan. |
Courtesy of Tom Cavanough
An absolutely stirring replica of the Riiska
sedan. |
Courtesy of John Canfield
John Canfield's unbelievable model of the
Riiska sedan. |
Courtesy of John Canfield
John Canfield's unbelievable model of the
Riiska sedan II. |
Courtesy of John Canfield
John Canfield's unbelievable model of the
Riiska sedan III.

Walter Mateer Photo
via Chas Hertica
A different shot. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
A Dobler Trophy race
wins with the Padula brothers,
the sponsors. |
Walter Mateer Photo
via Chas Hertica
A 1964 Langhorne shot. |
The Gordon Ross Years
I don't know if
there was any action in between, but it appears that Doug transitioned out from
the highly successful Riiska ride to the elgendary Gordon Ross 19 almost
immediately. The Southern New England - based Ross operation had already
featured top chauffeurs such as Jokko Maggiacomo, Duncan "Rebel" Harris, Jerry
Humiston, Dick Dixon, and [after Doug] Eddie Delmolino but, it would appear that
Doug was retained to drive the car primarily at Lebanon Valley [and most of
those earlier guys were no dirt drivers]. Doug and Gordon would have a helluva
ride at the Valley before Doug ended up buying the fairly traditional, upright
19 coupe, restyling it, and running it as his own for the end of his career. I
don't have a ton of photos from this phase of the career.
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
A very representative photo of Doug the Ross
19 to open this section. Great engine shot ! |

Courtesy of Norm Vadnais
A Valley win with the Ross
coupe. |
Courtesy of Otto Graham
A Valley win with the Ross
crew in Victory Lane.

McDowell Photo
Courtesy of Charles Hertica
According to Hertica, Doug must have had
previous connection with Ross, as this is he , at the Pine Bowl, in the
Courtesy of Ginny Ross
via Dick Hansen
Another one at the Valley
with the gang. |
Courtesy of Arnie Ainsworth
Another view. |

Courtesy of Norm Vadnais
It is questionable whether the coupe
here it Doug's or Gordon's. |

John Grady Photo
This is the way I prefer the Ross
coupe to look - not all cut down. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
After one of the Ross 19
Mike Shaub Photo
via Chas. Hertica
Posing with Wee Willie
Allen after a win. |

Walter Mateer Photo
via Joe Grosswetti
After Valley races, maybe -
with Amy.
Courtesy of Amy
Garrison Dauski
The Garrison 5 Years

Courtesy of Norm Vadnais
It is questionable whether the coupe
here it Doug's or Gordon's. |

Courtesy of Norm Vadnais
Now that it apparently
Doug's, the number got changed to 5, like his early Stilwell car. |

Courtesy of
At one of the big races like Langhorne.


Arnie Ainsworth Photo
Another cut down look.
Equally lovely. |

Courtesy of Norm Vadnais
Closeup. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
The all blue version heading
out from home on a Saturday. |
Courtesy of Walt Schwinning
A color portrait from this
of his career.

Courtesy of Arnie Ainsworth
This is sort of the final
look. I know it was faster, but I really hate this version, being a
traditional upright coupe guy. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Smiling out from the red and
blue version. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
The red and blue version, at
home. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
What I must assume is a family pose in Vic
Lane at the Valley. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
In Vic Lane at the Valley
with what must be one of his crews. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Nosing out NJ's Bill
Willson. A year later, we'd have the 7 up here in Milton, as Bob
Dragon bought it. |

Lebanon Valley Classics
Another Blue 5 win. |
Chuck Ely Photo
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
A pair of fans with a
cake for Doug. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Doug apparently had a stint
with the familiar Hellwig 37 team.
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
Another shot with the 37.
Courtesy of Mike
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