Money Talked, Nobody Walked

It seems like I remember something to do
with peanuts on the Dickerman's Motor City sign.
When you search the internet, there
almost nothing that comes up on Austin Dickerman, except some Civil War soldier
and an occasional mention of some car he bought for Eddie Delmolino. That
doesn't seem fair, somehow, with the flamboyance of his life, with the number of
years he was a businessman in Brandon, Vermont, and with the role he played in
1970's racing in the Northeast. Hence, this page on Austin, with all that I have
on him.
For those who read all this, I am still looking
harder for the Cabana - built 1964 Chevelle that Dickerman bought from Jack DuBrul and
eventually sold to Ray Richards fro Bob Ellis. I have it as the DuBrul #1 and
the Ellis #76, but not the 57 or 357, blue and yellow version Austin had for Ed

Courtesy Leb, Valley Classics
A while after Norm Scarborough built
the infamous "Cagle Killer" sedan, Dickerman took it over, retaining
Norm and Vince. The car was renamed The Banana Wagon. |

Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
Vince Quenneville with
the Banana Wagon on some track -
not the Bowl or the Valley. |

Courtesy of Rob Davis
A closeup of Vince in the car
as it is 357. |

Source Unknown
VInce and the Wagon
at Granby, Quebec. |

Courtesy of Marty Kelly, Jr.
The First Banana Wagon Hauler

Credits on Photo
...and then later...

From the Fonda Book
This was the only good shot I have of Austin,
whose legacy seems inevitably intertwined with Joe Leto.

Bob Frazier Photo via Mike Richards
I call this shot The Devil's Bowl Mafia. It is six
very important figures in the history of
the place.
Austin [far right] is joined [from
left] by car owner Ray Richards, Bowl
legend Eddie Allen, sign painter Mal
Brown, car owner and builder Norm Scarborough [behind],
and car owner Al
Ryan. All but two are gone now.

Photo via Otto Graham
Austin [ctr] with Vince Quenneville and
Norm Scarborough in yet another Victory Lane somewhere.

Courtesy of Wayne Dempster
The Banana Wagon was replaced by
the Station Wagon, Vince was replaced by Butch Jelley. Even the hauler
was overhauled. |

Chuck Ely Photo Courtesy of Bob Ely
Butch is snapped at the Valley by bro - in -
law Chuck Ely.

Joe Cryan Photot Courtesy of A. Ainsworth
The 357 on some track. |

Courtesy of Arnie Ainsworth
Butch and the Wagon arrive
at Syracuse. |
Devil's Bowl Program article Courtesy of Neal Davis
The team is featured in the D Bowl
Credits on Photo
The strong combo. |
of Mike Richards
The team in Quebec. |

Schenectady Collection
Otto Graham Site
Jelley and the wagon
again. |

Probably John Grady Photo
Butch Jelley with the
infamous station wagon
that ran Fonda, among
other places.
Courtesy of Mike Laduc
Contributor Mike Laduc was working on a tribute version of this car.
Now that he is moving, someone else will take over the project.
Courtesy of Mike Laduc
Contributor Mike Laduc provided a photo of the project. |
Courtesy of George Biancosino
The team arriving at Fonda. |
Courtesy of Arnie Ainsworth
Butch and the car at the Valley. |
Courtesy of Arnie Ainsworth
The car at the Valley. |

Courtesy of Wayne Dempster
The next generation hauler.

Photo via Otto Graham
Austin [ctr] with Vince Quenneville and
Norm Scarborough in yet another Victory Lane somewhere.

Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
Eddie Foley,
Leicester, VT

Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
Vince Quenneville with a
357 they ran in
Canada in the '70's. |

Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
Quenneville with same
Canadian Gremlin and
Stan Wetmore in background. may or may not be a Dickerman.

Courtesy John Grady
Don't know who this
is but the Dickerman
hauler is in the background. |

Courtesy Chris Companion
Eddie Delmolino with a
Dickerman Vega.

Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
Vince Quenneville with a
Gremlin. |

Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
Eddie Del with a
yellow 357 Vega. |

Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
Eddie with
what I consider
to be classic Dickerman colors. |
Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
A Delmolino / Dickerman entry,
appropriately framed by Delmo's billboard in background. Said to be a
Tobias chassis.
Courtesy Arnie Ainsworth
A Delmolino / Dickerman entry,
tha looks quite a bit different. |
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