Henry Courtemache ready to tow to
Cheshire Fairgrounds with his Willys.

Frank "Stroker" Smith ready to tow to
Cheshire Fairgrounds with his less familiar #111 coupe. |

Ernie, with one of his earlier cars,
painted and numbered to go with
Smith's 311. This was formerly a
#29. |

The car 29 which Bodreau bought
and made into his 211. |

Ernie, with one of his newer
modified sedans. |

A couple of future projects,
at Ernie's, around 1965. |

Ernie, working on the 11. This would
become the Walt Brown 409

Ladabouche Photo

Sean Bodreau watches his dad. |

Mike Cody's 32 ride, from the
Tie Rods Racing Club. |

A Tie Rods crewman works
on the Walt Ruffle 32 |

A former Don Miller 11, which Ernie
would convert into a #1 for
Scoot Dexter. |

The Scoot Dexter car. |