Bob Bruno
Racing Teacher,
Racing Town Supervisor, etc., etc.
Melvin "Bob" Bruno, of Schuyler Falls, New York was having a good enough
year in the early 1960's to earn his photo on the cover of NASCAR'S monthly
national newsletter. As a youngster growing up in Proctor, Vermont - too far
away to see Bruno run - that was my only image of him until I was old enough to
get to see him at Airborne Park Speedway, and possibly a few far flung places
likes Otter Creek Speedway and Fonda.
Bruno was a rarity in his time - a college -educated local stock car driver, who
also was involved heavily in local politics. Bruno could have played
professional ball; but, instead he chose to teach school, race, and become a
supervisor [ a pretty important position in the New York scheme of things].
Bob's career lasted for decades [probably longer than his baseball career would
have], and he is still highly - regarded when he visits Airborne Speedway today.
Although he drove for a number of owners and teams, Bruno's name will be forever
linked to car owner Vic Wolfe, in whose immaculate white #66's Bruno had most of
his success.

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of Gary
Bob poses with what must be one of his
first cars.

Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
Bob and maybe a brother with the
family sedan. |

Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
and family members.

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy
John Rock and Jack Rugar
Bob with the family car. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
awards a trophy
to Nelson Chappell
in 1959. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy
of John Rock
the 11, possibly with
Bob at the wheel,
leads a heat. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
Bob tried his hand
at the McGee/
Bridges MB2

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy
John Rock and Jack Rugar
Good sponsorship for the
McGee/Bridges car. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy
John Rock and Jack Rugar
Bob,with the 000 at Malletts Bay

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
At speed with the 000.
Great angle ! |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
at speed, with the
000 at Airborne. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy
John Rock and Jack Rugar
Bob wins one with the 000. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
Bob with the
000, a familiar
early Airborne car. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy
John Rock and Jack Rugar
Local kids with the 000. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
At the Airborne Ice Races [2nd from
right top row] with Rod Ritchie and Karl Gorman.
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
A win
with Swears' 51.

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
Bob was supposed to drive Allie Swears
1955 sportsman car at Daytona, but he could not secure
permission to be gone from his teaching job. So, Dick Nephew got the ride. This
is Allie, with the car
at the garage in Daytona.

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of John Rock
A photo of Bruno running with the best
NASCAR had to offer in sportsman cars at the time: Cabana, Charland, Gahan,
Trombley, and others.

Bruno Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
Possibly the first Vic
Wolfe coupe for Bruno.
At Wolfe's garage,
where the Champlain Centre Mall is now located.

Bruno Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
Possibly the first Vic
Wolfe coupe for Bruno.
At Wolfe's - rear view. |

Bruno Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
The first Vic Wolfe coupe for Bruno.
At Wolfe's .
Check out the high
class Wolfe Trailer
Park in background. |

Bruno Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
The first or second Vic Wolfe coupe,
at the
garage. |

Bruno Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
A very early Vic Wolfe coupe at speed,
Airborne. |

Photo Source Unknown
with an early
Wolfe coupe. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
Bob in an early
version of the 66
in Victory Lane
with his family. |

NASCAR Record Book
Bob leads NASCAR
National Champion
Bill Wimble. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
A pose with the
early Wolfe coupe. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
The early Wolfe car
at speed, Airborne
backstretch. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
in an early pose.

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
same pose
closer up.

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
Phil Butler
Victory with an early
Vic Wolfe 66. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
closeup cropping of a photo shown at left.
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
race start among top sportsman cars. |

Bruno Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
Vic Wolfe and Bruno,
at Wolfe's garage, with
a typical haul of
trophies. |

NASCAR Record Book
Bob got noticed by
NASCAR in 1962

Bruno Family Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
TIn Victory Lane somewhere with
Canadian flagger Paul Demers. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
receives an award
from car owner Vic Wolfe. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
Brian Branham
Bob in Victory Lane at
Airborne circa 1962. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
Mike Watts
at Airborne, after
the races, with fans. Flagger
Art Prairie is in foreground.

Paul Michaud Photo
A later Wolfe coupe. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
In the pits with a
later Wolfe coupe.
Might have been a
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
A win with the sedan at Airborne. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
The famous Vic Wolfe
sedan. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy
John Rock and Jack Rugar
Bob,with the sedan on unknown
speedway. |

Courtesy of Mike Watts
The famous Vic Wolfe sedan became even
more famous
when it notched
a rare Fonda win. Few outsiders won at
Fonda. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
A pose with the sedan at Fonda,
probably prior to the famous win. |
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
A scruffy pose with the sedan at
Airborne. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
A win at Saranac Lake with starter Art
Prairie. Bob was a villain to the fans at that track.
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
A pose with the sedan at Fonda,
probably prior to the famous win.
Behind the announcer's stand.
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
A pose with the coupe at Airborne.
One of those great 1960's "driver's suits". |
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Jack Rugar
The sedan showing some wear and tear. |
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
Another pose midway through the
sportsman era. |
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Jack Rugar
A win
with Vic joining him in Victory Lane. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Jack Rugar
A win
circa 1963.

Smith Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Jack Rugar
A photo of Bruno winning another at
Saranac Lake, where the local press played him up as the bad guy.
Smith Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Jack Rugar
A photo of a newer coupe with tuned
headers and a lot of body damage. |
Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock
That same coupe giving Guy Chartrand a run
in Ed Cloce's Hemi-Cuda. |
Bob Bruno Collection
Courtesy of John Rock
One of Bob's most widely -
circulated photos. A Studebaker - bodied car. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
A later Wolfe coupe
with tuned headers. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
Bob awards a trophy
to another competitor. |

From Dan Ody;s 8MM Old Speedways DVD
This grainy old 8MM movie capture shows
Bruno, in a limited sportsman car, racing with
Jim "Sapphire" LeClaire in
the Tucker - built C37 Pontiac coupe at Otter Creek Speedway in Vermont.
It was a horsepower track, so Bob had trouble with the bigger - motor sportsman
 Bob Bruno Collection
Courtesy of Jack Rugar
and John Rock
The Wolfe coupe that burned at

Bob Bruno Collection
Courtesy of Jack Rugar
and John Rock
The charred 66 arrives at
Wolfe's garage near what today is Champlain Centres Mall. |

Bob Bruno Collection
Courtesy of Jack Rugar
and John Rock
More views. |

Bob Bruno Collection
Courtesy of Jack Rugar
and John Rock
More views. |

Bob Bruno Collection
Courtesy of Jack Rugar
and John Rock
point of impact is clearly seen here. |
Bob Bruno Collection
Courtesy of Jack Rugar
and John Rock
replacement car which made it to Airborne the very next race. |

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Jack Rugar
From left - Vic Wolfe, Wesley
Mischler, and Bob receiving some sort of award in a staged setting.

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of
John Rock and Bobby Castine
Bob and Vic didn't always have things
go well. Here the crew tried to figure out
why the car stopped in the middle of a race.

Bob Mackey Photo Courtesy of John Rock and Bobby Castine
Somewhere in his career, Bob was brave
enough to try a sprint car.
This baby looks kind of homemade, eh? Look how close his arm is to that
tire ! This is at Westport, NY fairgrounds.

Ladabouche Collection
Harold Healey bought this coupe
and first had Ernie Reid driving it.

Ladabouche Collection
Courtesy of Cho Lee
Reid winning a race with likely
the same car. |

Bob Mackey Photo
Courtesy of John Rock
It is thought that this Bud Besor 50NY
is another Healey - owned ex - Wolfe car. |

Courtesy of Gerard Major
The Frank Hodge Lucky 7
started out as a Bruno 66. |

Dubrul Collection
Courtesy of Jack Dubrul
Black Jack Dubrul 1VT was the Wolfe car from 1965. |
Courtesy of Cho Lee
Sapphire LeClaire in the
Healey 70. |

Ladabouche Photo
The restored Vic Wolfe modified
pavement Pinto. What's the clue it's restored ?
They didn't have Coke Zero when this thing ran.

Courtesy of Cho Lee
Winning one at Thunder Road in 1965.
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