Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Bob,Sr. , by one of the family barns, with
his first car. Note the football and the admiring neighbors.
When I first went to races at
the Fairmont Speedway in 1962, it had been a long time since I had gotten to see
racing on any regular basis. Therefore, I had no idea what to expect - in terms
of what the cars were like. Very similar to observations that Ben Gurney would
send by email some 45 years later, I noticed one team that seemed a little more
professional - looking than most of the others at CJ's track that first month :
The Argyle Racing Team, with its X9 car. Ben had said the same thing about the
same team when he saw them at Warrensburg, in the 1950's. Although Bob Hoffer
didn't win much, he always had that great look, so I have remembered him.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The color - coordinated tow truck
added to the professionality of the team.
I took a good photo of the
Hoffer car at the Vermont State Fairgrounds, that first CVRA year. I wish I
could have gotten more detail because the late Bob, Sr. was backing it into
their pit area, and the car still had one of those driver's doors you could
open. It would have been a good shot for the family.

Ladabouche Photo
Bob backs up the X9 in the infield at
CJ Richards' 1962 stock car race. Note the driver's door still opens.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The first car with
eddy Porter, a driver.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The first car, with
family and friends
checking it out. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
On the pole at the old
Schuylerville track. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Lining up the 1st car
at Schuylerville, NY. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The 1st car renumbered
or maybe the 2nd car. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The Hoffer car in the
pits at Schuylerville.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The original car
by the Hoffer barn. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
A later car, probably at
Stateline with checkers.
driver is likely Bob Platt. Even then the signature twin exhausts
are in evidence. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The 1934 Ford before the dual exhausts
and X9 were
put on. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The 1934 Ford after
the dual exhausts
and X9 were put on. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The more familiar-
looking X9 Ford. It ended
up the familiar red and white
scheme later.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
One of the last X9's at
the beginning of
construction. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Fred Winchell's wild
#11, driven at Fairmont
by Bob Hoffer. That is one
of the Hoffer kids. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Winchell car.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
L to R, Bill Kelly, Bob Hoffer, Fifi
(on hood), Bill Barker, Bobby Hoffer
Probably at Warrensburg. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Bob Hoffer, on track for
warmups at Ashland Park,
Warrensburg, around 1960. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The Stateline car, at
home on the Hoffer farm. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The Stateline car, at
home - not fully
prepared yet.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The more familiar-
looking X9 Ford. It ended
up the familiar red and white
scheme later. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The more familiar-
looking X9 Ford. This ran at
Warrensburg and
once at Syracuse. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
The more familiar-
looking X9 Ford. Apparently
out to pasture with the
tractor for the year.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Bob poses with some
family members at
Ashland Park in 1960. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Argyle Racing Team.
What is with the pants ?. |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Pit crew of second X-9, L to R,
Robert Hoffer Jr., ?, ?, Bob Corrigan, and kneeling is "Joker" Case |

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Bob on track at Syracuse.
Car is on track above
the seat number 28.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Bill Clippinger, Bill Barker,
Bob, Jr. and Bill Kelly at
Warrensburg in 1960.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
A view in of the old
Fairmont Speedway
in early 1950's..

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Bob on track at Fairmont Speedway, 2nd
version in 1962. That is he in the T - Bird. Noticeable cars in photo:
F4, Beryl Fitzgerald, Gansevoort, NY; 61 John Ballantine, Hubbardton, VT;
[2nd inside] 737, Dick Gerard,
Claremont, NH; [3rd inside] 7, Joe Spellburg, Glens Falls, NY: and [between
officials]M2, Frank Hatch, North Adams, MA.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Frank Petty's car,
probably at Schuylerville
driven by Hank Schmidt.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Bill Morse's 467,
driven by Charlie
Morse. Likely, at
Fairmont or Stateline.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Unknown car
maybe at

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Leo Nadeau's 80
Rocket Car [ see
little rocket on roof].
Could have been
driven by Ken Shoemaker.

Courtesy of Ron Hoffer
Bob Hoffer, down South, with Norm
Scarborough [3rd from left] and two of the Ryan family from Whiting.
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