Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
The already legendary Rebel Harris,
with a 22 year - old
Joey Lawrence. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Harris, with the Lawrence
AAA coupe at Onteora
Spdwy, Olive Bridge,
NY |

Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Rebel Harris, with the
Joey Lawrence AAAJr -
at Onteora. |

Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
The Joey Lawrence AAAJr
at the local Oliver Tractor
dealer's garage in Newburgh.

Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
The Joey Lawrence, AAA coupe.
It was a former Danny Mitchell car. |

Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Another view of Rebel Harris' AAAJr - at
Onteora. |

Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Joey Lawrence AAAJr -
at Onteora was that
Danny Mitchell car. |

Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
At some
Joey Lawrence introduced an overhead V8 Ford
into the AAAJr - for Onteora. |

Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
overhead V8 Ford, bound for Onteora - In front of the Lawrence home. The
Third man may be Pete Jackson.

Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
This is a
newer version
of the AAA coupe. |

Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
This is
the newer version
of the AAA coupe - still
flat towed to the track. |

Bob Eliis Photo Courtesy of Roger
Liller via Dave Dykes
This is a
widely - familiar
shot of the AAA at Onteora,
racing Ernie Beesmer. |

From the Uncle Art
Stuarts Collection
via Chas Hertica
Harris and
the AAA coupe
with Uncle Art Stuarts. It is
said to be the Langhorne qualifier, at Arlington
Spwy near Poughkeepsie. |
Courtesy of Amy Garrison Dauski
confirms that the
Langhorne qualifier WAS
at Arlington.
Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
pulling off the track
at Langhorne that same year. |
Midstate Club Collection
with a win at
an undetermined track
that has covered stands. |
John Gallant Collection
via Chas Hertica
the most familiar
Joey Lawrence AAA/ Harris photo ever. |
Courtesy of Arnie Ainsworth
Another widely - recognized shot. |
Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
former Danny Mitchell
car became one of the Better AAA coupes. Joey's
old sedan is seen in the
background. |
Uncle Art Stuarts Collection
This is
the first Rebel Harris AAA car I saw - at the
1961 race at the Vermont
State Fair. |
Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
describes this as Rebel Harris in Danny Mitchell's AAA. I don't know if
Lawrence was involved or not. At any rate the AAA was the 1961 Valley
champ. |
Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
for the 1961
Langhorne race. |
Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Mitchell and Joey at the Lawrence home. This AAA was a former Jim Reed
car. |

UNK Photographer
via Chas Hertica
A very young Jackie Wilson
coming out of Fishkill, NY to drive the Joey Lawrence late model bodied
entry. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Wilson, at the
Lawrence shop in
Newburgh, NY - which appears to be only about twenty minutes from

From Dan Ody's 8MM
Old Speedways DVD's
Jackie, at speed on the Valley track
with the
Lawrence sedan. |

Jack Meeker Collection
via Chas Hertica
Jackie Wilson, as a
young go - karter.

Hertica Collection
via Chas Hertica
One of the Lawrence coupes Jackie
drove, mostly
at the Valley. But this
shot is at Reading. |

Bill Goldpaugh Collection
via Chas Hertica
A wave from the coupe
at the Valley. |
John Gallant Collection
via Chas Hertica
One of the coupes
Jackie drove, mostly
at the Valley.
Darlene Hapeman Collection
via Chas Hertica
An Accord win with the
Lawrence sedan. |
Pete Jackson Collection
via Chas Hertica
One of the sedans, when
brand new. |
Chas Hertica Photo
Again. |
Chas Hertica Photo
The Lawrence Mustang -
at an UNK location. |
Chas Hertica Photo
Jackie apparently dida
number on the Mustang
at Fonda. |
Chas Hertica Photo
One of the coupes. |
Chas Hertica Photo
One of the coupes,
after it got Jackie- cized at the Valley. |
Chas Hertica Photo
Jackie with the turbocharged, 6 cyl,
coach at Valley. |
Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Wow ! That turbo
in-line 6 cylinder motor. |
Pete Jackson Collection
via Chas Hertica
Joey and maybe Pete
with one of the coupes.

Otto Graham Collection
via Chas Hertica
A Valley win with Joey
and probably Pete. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Jackie working with Joey
on new car. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Checking out the Joey
Lawrence coupe. |

Chuck Ely Photo
via LVC
Jackie posing with Joey
Lawrence coupe. Might be
the ex Reutimann car. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Jackie with prominent
race figure Ralph Moody
of Holman & Moody.

John Grady Photo
via Chas Hertica
Jackie with the coupe. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Ralph Moody at Joey
Lawrence's garage. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Jackie chatting with Gerald
Chamberlain behind the Joey Lawrence coupe
at Rolling Wheels.

Mercurio Photo
via Chas Hertica
The Joey
Lawrence coupe. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Jackie standing with the Joe
Lawrence sedan. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Jackie posing with what
appears to be two of Joey's cars. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Jackie talking with
Uncle Art Stuarts. |

Otto Graham Photo
via Chas Hertica Photo
Joey riding on
the nerf bar. |
Joey Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Jackie with one of
the sedans. UNK track.
on new car.
Argon Racin Images
The Joey Lawrence
sedan. |
Joey Lawrence Collection
via Midstate Club
Jackie with two of
the many cars he drove for Joey Lawrene. |
8MM Likely from
Dan Ody DVD's
Jackie in the sedan
probably at Accord. |
Dan Ody's 8MM
Old Speedway DVD's
Jackie in the sedan
probably at Accord. |
Chas Herttica Photo
Coupe refurbishing
in the Lawrence shop. |

Chas Hertica Photo
A Lawrence coupe sports
a rare professional lettering job in this shot at the shop. |

Chas Hertica Photo
Joey at work at the shop. |
Chas Hertica Photo
A Lawrence coupe sits in the
pits at the Valley, graphics unfinished. |

Lawrence Collection via Chas Hertica
The Lawrence 55 Chev sits,
sans rear end, ready for work in what looks to be early spring.

Bill Goldpaugh Collection
via Chas Hertica
Joey, with one of the coupes
at the Valley. |

Chas Hertica Photo
A shot with the whole gang in Vic
at the Valley - with Marty Berberwyck. |

Lawrence Collection via Chas Hertica
The potent sedan the hauler. |

Lawrence Collection via Chas Hertica
The Jackie "Whistlin' " Wilson nickname Uncle Art gave him came from
this car which emitted a funny whistler when under power.

Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Jackie at speed with the injected Lawrence Chevy. |

via Chas Hertica
Lawrence, Pete Jackson, and Billy Stokes on the '55 Chev. |

Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
This shot really shows the power plant on the '55 Chev.

Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Jackie unloading the whistler. |

Brian JamesCollection
via Chas Hertica
Big Rolling Wheels win. |

Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
The history of particular Lawrence
coupes is long and interesting.
I hope I'm getting it right. One started out as a Danny
Mitchell car.

Chas Hertica Photo
Lawrence dubbed it the

Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
This one ended up sporting
an overhead V8 motor. |

Cavalcade of Racing Photo
via Chas Hertica
Jimmy Markle may have
ended up with this car.
[It was one of Lawrence's cars].

Clyde Kelley Collection
via Chas Hertica
Lawrence built this coupe
for Dink Davis, who
employed Jimmy Markle to drive it . |
Fred Sabatino Collection
via Chas Hertica
This coupe [or another just like it]
ended up with John Penning, who I think used it at Morris. |

Lawrence Collection
via Chas Hertica
Dink Davis and the former aaaJr at
the Lawrence headquarters. |
Gater Racing News Photo
Ill - fated Fonda driver
Dave Buanno [of the NY trucking family] struggled as a backmarker until
he got to drive Joey's tubular chassied Mustang there - and won. |
Chas Hertica Photo
Joey's Mustang at Middletown
with Rich Ricci, Sr. as driver. |
Chas Hertica Photo
Joey [leaning in window] at
the 1974 Syracuse race with Jan Opperman as driver. |

Chas Hertica Photo
The 1974 Syracuse race with Jan Opperman as driver. |