Norman McIver Portrait Courtesy of Cho Lee
Upon looking at my
unfathomably large, sometimes ungainly website, I realized I had done two
separate pages devoted to Pappy Forsyth. Both had their merits, in terms of
giving this great driver the best exposure possble, but we don't need two of
them. This is an attempt to get all materials in, using the best aspects of both
previous pages.
Roy Forsyth, apparently a car
dealer from the Keene, NH area, had begun racing in the raucous, disorganized
early days of racing in his region. Usually then running a car #80, he ran at
such places as Rhythm Inn Speedway, Millers Falls, MA; the Cheshire County
fairgrounds near Keene [sometimes called Safford Park Speedway]; Brattleboro
Speedway, West Brattleboro, VT; the track near Hinsdale, NH; Pico Raceway,
Rutland, VT, and other such bullrings.

Walt Perkins Photo Courtesy of the Davis
Roy, posing at Keene, NH with his own car. The
tee shirt says "Noel Speedway", which suggests that he had ventured as far north
La Prairie, Quebec to race in those early days.
In an attempt to bring some
order to the chaos [and perhaps inspired by outfits like the Triangle Racing
Association and the Pioneer valley Racing Association], he became president of
the Monadnock Stock Car Racing Association, which operated at the Keene track
primarily. There is loose reference to the name "Maurice Forysth [particularly
around the Rythm Inn track]. I now think that was probably his middle name.
Some time in the 1950's, Forysth
became involved with a Bradford, VT car owner named George Barber, whose wrecky
but fast little #46 car had been driven by Stub Piper, whose wife was now
putting the damper on any more racing. Barber persuaded Forsyth to driver the
car, and the combination was very dominant, despite the terrible appearance of
the car. When tracks such as Northeastern Speedway [Lower Waterford, VT] and
Thunder Road International Speedbowl [Barre, VT] opened, Barber built a new and
better - looking 46. He also added a second car, the 47, which was driven by
Leland Ingerson.

George Barber Photo Collection Courtesy of Cho
Roy Forsyth [right], George Barber
[middle], and crew celebrate an upset wins at Stafford Springs, CT with Cokes.
The track was less than pleased and told George to either upgrade the looks or
don't come back.
The Barber team was very
dominant - particularly at Thunder Road, in the track's earlier years.
Eventually Forysth, whose nickname came from the fact he was a bit older than
most of his competitors, stepped down and Barber put Larry Granger in the 46.
Forsyth is recognized as a racing pioneer and legend and he is in a number of
halls fo fame. This page shows his materials in three sections: the #80 era, the
#46 era, and personal mementos.
The 80 Years

Courtesy of Walt Perkins
A younger Roy, likely in
Keene, with what is probably his first
race car amd a Hudson tow car. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
A pose in the early car,
someone's little girl nearby.
Supposedly this is 1951. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
A note on the back of a 1951
pit pass from Pico Raceway's [Rutland, VT] inaugural show. This would be
with that three window coupe shown at left. |
Courtesy of Rutland Historical Society
Forsyth is seen in action at
Pico's first show. He has
painted up the car a bit more
attractively. he would return there in 1952 with Barber.

Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth, victorious at
Safford Park, as was often the
This seems to be a much
better car. |
Teetor Photo for Keene Sentinel
Ladabouche Collection
Forsyth, at speed at Safford Park - probably in
1951 or 52. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth, victorious at
Park, as was often the
case. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth spinning at Safford
Park Speedway. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth, on the move
at Safford
Park, in 1957 |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth's 1952 Claremont
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth's 1952 Claremont
trophy plaque closeup. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Same trophy. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth's 1951 Claremont
ticket stub. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth's 1952 Claremont
vs Keene poster ad. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth's 1952 Malletts
Bay trophy.
Courtesy of FE Harf Family
via Arnie Hill
Forsyth is holding a trophy
in the middle of this shot
at Malletts Bay Raceway. It is
likely older than the one at left. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth's 1952 Malletts Bay
trophy. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
A 1952 Maine
racing ticket. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Early 1950's payout
showing the enormous
winnings awaiting a
stock car driver. |
Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth is second to last
at this unknown track. |

Courtesy of Walt Perkins
Forsyth is third to last
at this same unknown
track partly obscured.
Ladabouche Collection
As President of the MSCRA,
he awards George Janoski
as repeat sportsman champion for Safford Park.
Ladabouche Collection
As President of the MSCRA,
he awards George Schnyer
as hobby champion for Safford Park. |
Courtesy of the Davis Family
With the fast 80
at Keene. |

Courtesy of Walter Perkins
from the Ahlers Scrapbook
1951 Colchester-
Bayview Spdwy and Colchester Raceway
Ticket Stubs
Courtesy of Chip Cormie
"Maurice" Forsyth chases Champ Rene
Charland at Rhythm Inn. |
From Dan Ody's 8MM
Old Speedways DVDs
Forsythat speed at the Brattleboro
Rene Charland got his
1st win in this race. |
Barber Years

Courtesy of Cho Lee
Sometime in 1952, Roy
took over the George Barber
#46 from Stub Piper. The bruised little Ford was an absolute rocket.
This is one of their first wins. |
Courtesy of Cho Lee
Forsyth and Barber, winning
at Stafford Springs in 1952or 53.
Management told them not to
come back without a better - looking car. Barber's cars
were much spiffier after that.

Courtesy of Cho Lee
One of Barfber and Forsyth's
trophies. This one was from Rhythm Inn Speedway, of the Pioneer Valley
Racing Assoc.
Ladabouche Collection
The Barber 46 at an
unknown track, maybe
Brattleboro Speedway.
Driver could have been
Piper or Forsyth. |
Ladabouche Collection
Overheating, likely at
West Lebanon, NH. |
Ladabouche Collection
Being chased at
Stateline Speedway
by legendary Steve Danish. |
Courtesy of Marty Harty
The early Barber entry
getting itself in trouble
at Claremont.
Courtesy of Chip Cormie
Forsyth dumps future Champ Rene Charland at Rhythm Inn. |
Courtesy of Cho Lee
George soon had a new
and better - looking car
for Pappy to win with. |
Courtesy of Cho Lee
The Forsyth / Barber car at
Dog River Speedway,
Northfield, VT. |
Courtesy of Cho Lee
Pappy, in his last
season, posing with future
replacement Larry Granger.
Courtesy of Cho Lee
Forsyth, with Barber
team mate Lee Ingerson
at Thunder Road. |
Courtesy of Mark Austin
Forsyth receiving a trophy from Ken
Squier at T Road. |

Courtesy of Cho Lee
Pappy and George
getting awards.
Courtesy of Cho Lee
Pappy, in his last
season, posing with future
replacement Larry Granger in Vic Lane and Pete
Pierson [rt]. |
Ladabouche Photo
The 46, restored. |
Ladabouche Photo
The 46, restored. |
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