Courtesy of P. Teresco
The Teresco and Manicini
685, nicknamed "Kalamity
Jane" was easily one of my most favorite cars. It had "uh awful accident".

Keen Sentinel Photo
The DN3 entry of noted
Bay State driver Lionel Arel had a slight problem
at the Cheshire Fairgrounds, Keene, NH. |

Courtesy of John Rock
*&#@!**, Joe! That's not what I
meant by
"fire it up !" |

Dragon family Photo
Hey ! this ain't the bear I was
aimin' at ! Late model legend Beaver Dragon, with his
sport. |

Ladabouche Photo
Jeez Dear, i wuz only fooin'
around !
When Bill Threw was pitching a fit at Fairmont Speedway in 1962 - nobody was
going to try and get the tough as nails West Glens Falls driver out of that
car. So, they brought over his wife. |

Bitiig Collection via
The Fonda Book
This is what happens when you
let your brother - in - law drive your car. Carl Fink, with Bob Zimmerman's
brand new sedan. Carl survived this and lived until 2013. |

Ladabouche Collection
" I didn't even know you could
FIT an engine this
big into this little Late Model Sportsman ! |

Courtesy of Mike Cain
Fans try to get in one last
memory of Catamount Stadium before its final race program in 1987. |

Ladabouche Collection
Found on Outside Groove
Bert Thornton finds out why few
people tried to pass Charlie Benoit when he wasn't handling well. |

From the Fonda Book
This is what happened all too
often to Pete Corey
at Lebanon Valley. The locals didn't want Fonda invaders there. A body man,
Corey would have it all fixed up again the next week.

Danish Family Photo
Steve Danish was regarded as a
hard racer, but good on equipment. Try convincing the Clark brothers [45
owners] of that.

Ladabouche Collection
If Howard Dikeman [39] didn't
like CJ Richards' new fence at Devil's Bowl - he could have just said so. |

Courtesy of Cho Lee
I buy this car off Cabana, I
paint it up cool, I get these great goggles, and what do I get ? WHAT DO I
GET !!? |

Via The Racers Bored
Site. Photog Unknown.
Oh, &#@!**, this was
supposed to be OUTSIDE of the car ! [Ed Patnode and Leo Matte] |

Courtesy of Mike Laduc
This was the first and ONLY
race for Elroy Laduc [brother of Devi's Bowl star, Charlie]. |

Courtesy of Barb Laduc
Some days it just doesn't pay
to promote races. CJ Richards drew the biggest sports crowd in Vermont
history; but he had two Major pileups that almost caused the cops to shut
down he show.

Courtesy of Ed Fabian
Ray Williams Photo
I don't think he's fixin' that
one ! George Gowie at Lebanon Valley in the 1950's. |

Source Unknown
If I have to crash, does it
really have to be into a friggin' graveyard ?
Herm Buttery at Fonda. |

Courtesy of Gary Nephew
Dick Nephew [lft] and Bill
Wimble receiving trophies as NASCAR 1961 National Sportsman Co- Champions.
Read what it says in the one Nephew is holding. They had handed each the
other's trophy. |

John Grady Photo
I hate fire - anybody's fire.
Here is Rene Charland's self - named "French Barbeque" in the 1960's. |

Courtesy of Mike Perrotte
"I told ya they don't like NY
drivers in VT". Jimmy "12 Port" LeClaire and Harold Healey look over a
damaged car at Devil's Bowl. |

Courtesy of Gary Nephew
Thank God for supportive
parents. Wes Moody rescues the tech teacher of his son from a flaming wreck
at Devil's Bowl. That is Dick Nephew as co - rescuer. |

Unknown - Likely Schenectady Gazette
Early flaggers took an awful
chance, usually starting races from the track surface.

Courtesy of Cho Lee
The 3Sr. of Wayne Chandler is
sitting there, on fire, as the local fire dept. takes their sweet time
firing up the 1948 GMC and getting over there. This was 1961, the first year
of a very rustic Otter Creek Speedway,
Waltham, VT.

Aldo Merusi Photo - Courtesy of
Rutland Historical Society
Crews at the Pico Raceway,
Rutland, VT tend to a wreck. See all those people in the background ? They
are all watching for FREE from a railroad overlooking the track. No wonder
it failed in two years. |

Ladabouche Photo
When Bob Pratt bought this
former Jack Dubrul Daytona car - he installed famed driver Gordy Owen to
drive it at Otter Creek Speedway. Sadly, like most super speedway cars,
it was way too heavy and just spun its wheels constantly. |

Ladabouche Photos
Car owner Gael Dundon seems to be
wondering what ever happened to the beautiful car he had bought, only a year
before, for Vince Quenneville. Below - brand new.


Mike Arthur Photo
Mike Arthur caught racing
photographer Bill Korbacher looking for action when it was right behind him.
That's Doug Coulter in the air. |

John Mason Photo
Phil Clement ends up on top of the
John Birdsall car at Midstate Speedway, Morris, NY. Trouble was, John was
still in the car. They got him out OK. |

Probably Shaney Lorenzent Photo
Plainville Stadium. It is unlikely
they had this car back on
line the next week. Could be George Lombardo. |

Joe Cryan Photo
Bobby Pickell: Damned car, damned
track, damned drivers ...I'm outta here ! [How did he manage to get out of
it and not knock it over ? |

John Bisci Photo
Lancaster Speedway staff rushes to
rescue an official after Wes Moody and another driver hit the stand twice in
the same night.

Wright Photo
In the early days of racing,
like here in Naples, NY, they
often just let a car burn itself out. |

Internet Source Unidentified
Why did guys put signs like the
one on the hood ? It sort of predestined his fate, don't you think ? |

It was hard enough being one of
the first female drivers in NASCAR, but Louise Smith obviously had a beauty
of a wreck here. |

Courtesy of Andy Boright
Charland starts a ride nobody
wants at Thunder Road. Below - All Star League helmet and all, a disgusted
Charland walks off. he did it again the same year. {See right]

Courtesy of Cho Lee |

Courtesy of Wayne Bettis
Wouldn't you know, in that"same
season, he did it AGAIN !

Courtesy of Lew Boyd
A genuine Oh Shit ! moment
for Ed Wolf at Roosevelt Stadium in NJ
in the '50's.

Burlington Free Press
Photos Courtesy of Wayne Bettis
Ron Bettis wins
the Best - Looking Car Award at the annual car show only to put the
car on its hat later on into the season.

Courtesy of Cho Lee
A man smokes and watches as Wayne
Chandler's Hudson goes up in smoke
before his heat at the inaugural program
at Vergennes, VT's rustic Otter Creek Speedway. He did start
the race. |

Sanders Collection Courtesy of Otto Graham
Al Sanders says:"I'm just towing to the track,
minding my own damn business, and I still tear the damn thing up!" |

Courtesy of LaBrehe Family
"I can't believe you don't know where
the rear end went ! It was there when you left"the pits !" |

Les King Photos Courtesy of Gail Moses Remington
Al Moses was tooling along in
the lead in his roadster at Wilton NY's McGregor Speedway when he
managed to flip it.


Courtesy of LaBreche Family
They said "Add right side weight"; so I
did. Now what you bitchin' about ? |

Courtesy of Northeastern Speedway Site
Perley Densmore drove his car at
Northeastern Speedway every week, with a few dents. Wife, Mabel,
raced it once ....... |

Courtesy of Calif. Speed Sport Shop
! Cale ! Ya told Bobby he could borrow your shoes, remember ?" |
Courtesy of Chas Hertica
Oh sure ! Gerber and his bright ideas!
This ain't gonna make pit stops any faster ! |
Maynard Johnson Photo Courtesy of Otto Graham
Can ya believe the crime around here ?
Somebody musta needed rear wheels bad ! |
Courtesy of Edw. B. Brown III
Floor it, Jabe ! Them revenuers got their
own hot rod ! |

Courtesy of Lew Boyd
a very young Gary Balough didn't always have things go his way. |
From the Racers Bored Site
Art Lewis learned, as early
as 1953 that the best way around Rhythm Inn Speedway was NOT through the
woods. |
Courtesy of Ginny Ross Collection Via Dick Hansen and Chas
By God, Rene, that DOES look like a field
mouse in there. |
Courtesy of Edw. B. Brown III
Uh oh ! I think the race was yesterday. |
Courtesy of Joey LawrenceCollection Via Chas Hertica
Joey Lawrence had a fast, state - of - the
- art Mustang; but, it didn't go so well with this setup.
Courtesy of Midstate Club Via Otto Graham
Bill Brunschmitt had no idea who he was
bowling when he cleared out a young Lou Lazarro at Sharon Speedway in the
early 1950's. |
Courtesy of Philly Fun Guide.com
Langhorne had a horrific crash and fire
during one of its first stock car shows in the '50's. Cars just kept driving
into the mess. They had no warning lights then. |
Courtesy of Johnny Racer
Jim Duell had a reasonably
long career in the Hurricane division at Catamount and Thunder Road. After
this experience with his first car, it's a wonder. |
Courtesy of the Catamount History Program
My God, boys, this is
just the PARADE LAP ! [Catamount's original Flying Tigers around 1967. |
Courtesy of Catamount History Program
John Bilodeau had a lot to do with the
removal of the ARMCO barriers around the outside of Catamount in the early
years. What officials found was that he had CEMENT in that side of his car.
Ever heard of stagger ? |
Ladabouche Collection
All hell breaks loose with the Flying
Tigers at Catamount in 1969. Webster Krupp [43] misses it all by getting
to the infield. We care for his widow at our care home and she still recalls
the car, at 95 years old.
Ladabouche Photo
Wilfred Gerard loads his car at Fairmont
Speedway in 1962. The need for large radiator with the NH - style cutdowns
meant the radiator was often totallyu blocking the driver's view. |

Courtesy of Jeff Elliott
Russ Ingerson [42 and 51] and Lennie
Stockwell [00] were two of the Flying Tiger class's most colorful
drivers [and they couldn't stay away from each other].

Via Andy Boright |
Credits on the Photo
They didn't put enough windows on Ray
Anderson's Onteora Speedway coupe, so he made his own. |
Courtesy of Edw. B. Brown III
A car ends up in the crowd at
the old Bowling Green Speedway in the 1950's. That happened a lot in the
early days. |
Both Ladabouche Photos
Athol, NY runner Red Smith puills
his yellow Hudson into the pits at Fairmont Speedway. By afternoon's end,
the car was totalled.

Courtesy of John Bisci
Ya carefully build this Buick, ya drag
it all the way to Florida from Lockport, NY, and then this happens ! Ker
- Rist ! |
Courtesy of Lew Boyd
Dick Clark hated it when the Shoe never
lifts. |

Ladabouche Collection
We sent George out there to BLOW their
doors off, not knock them off.
Berggren_Valley_180Coupe_Hertica |
Courtesy of Chris Companion
Dontcha hate it when: they start a new
class at Catamount, everybody's green at it, and this girl from Montreal
comes down with a barely legal car and dusts all of you off ? |
Courtesy of Mary Sommers Cortese
Dontcha hate it when: yer smaller than
everyone else and they hoist you up like a flag in Victory Lane? [Well, I
guess you coulda lost].

Courtesy of Joe Staiger
Yaw, Frank, I know this guy behind us hit
you on the last race start, but DO have to move off the track once the race
begins. |

Delameter Photo Courtesy of K. MacIsaac
Hey ! Move that damn wrecker - I'm
overheatin' here ! |
tte's Speedway in the late 1940's near Perth, NY. Look at the
poor flagger running for his life. |
Irv Conron Photo Courtesy of John C. Grady
Fonda official Bob Whitbeck [white cap
at left] stares at the Car of Jerry Jerome, in one of Fonda Speedway's
worst ever crashes. Bob had built the car years before for Pete
Corey to drive. |
Courtesy of Shane Frank
The pampered drivers of 1960's modified
racing. Whip Mulligan grabs a water hose beside the track and grabs a
drink while Jackie Evans waits for the same. Today, drivers would want
bottled water run into their air conditioned helmet.

Gene Baxter Photo Bob Pocinskas Collection Courtesy of Stan
Nobody seems to notice the wheel Flying towards
them at Pine Bowl
Speedway. This is very similar to a LIFE magazine
photo taken at nearby Burden Lake Spdwy
a few years before. |

Courtesy of Gerard Major
How such a small car do so much damage
? Laval, Quebec's RIverside Speedway, 1959.

Courtesy of Gerard Major
Laval, Quebec's RIverside Speedway,
1959. Can you see the people in the tree at left, watching track crews
righting a wreck ? Try having that happen today. |

Courtesy of Sandra G. Fontana
This is what happens when you
borrow a local hearse for an ambulance and park in the wrong spot.
West Lebanon, NH's Twin State
Jalopy Speedway, 1950.

Courtesy of Sandra G. Fontana
This is what happens when your
father owns West Lebanon, NH's Twin
State Jalopy Speedway, 1950. You have to take your car and do the wall of
flame stunt. |

Courtesy of Tommy Thompkins
Alan WIlson's Dad, WIllie told hin he'd
get Alan's car to the Oxford Plains Speedway. Alan forgot to ask how
that was going to happen. |

Courtesy of Cho Lee
Thunder Road International
Speedbowl, then newly - built In 1960.
It didn't take Ken Squier long to realize those railroad ties weren't
going to work out for his Widowmaker wall. |
Movie Footage Courtesy of iIke Stridesberg
Chuck Bown is assisted
off the track by someone in Bob Curtiss' car which - in turn - is
being rammed by the guy behind him. Catamount 1982. |
Courtesy of Flemke.com
The second major fire
is as many years for Rene Charland - this one at Thompson, 1966. Maybe it
occurred to him to stop putting gasoline in the roll cage. |
Courtesy of Victor Phillips
Charlie Frisado
probably got hurt worse getting out of this early '50's wreck at Seekonk
than he did in the crash itself. |